Letter From The Editor
There is a famous Russian saying “ It would be a lie to exaggerate the fact.” This saying aptly describes the over hyped disease AIDS. The people of developing countries have been kept in dark about many but necessary facts about the AIDS. Even the government has not taken pains to aware their own citizens about the facts regrading AIDS only, to exaggerate the particular facts, providing only one test in dilapidated laboratory, enough to stigmatize someone for AIDS.
An article based on BPO, is a count-by-count rebuttle of the lies being spread by the media and a section of the elite. We tried to see the problems arose after flourishment of the BPO industry. The problems are both political and social. This industry has been creating another culture, which is not a result of diffusion of eastern and western culture but a culture based on consumerism i.e., consumerist culture.
This time we have devoted more pages to literary section than earlier. A story about the youth dilemma and frustration due to un-employment where a sensitive poem dealt about the contemporary humanism issue around us. The drama reviews covers the drama organised last month in our city. It is echoing against contemporary social evils that is deeply prevailed in our society. It also dealt the problem related to human rights. Whereas the satirical verses on St. Valentine evoke laughter.
We are getting lots of harsh comments and also wit innumerable appreciations. We tried to cater those news, which are not taken by mainstream media. So we have streamlined our horizon of thoughts and also sense. The main reason behind this is lack of resources. We are down but not out! Our small but honest endeavors will not go into vain………………
An article based on BPO, is a count-by-count rebuttle of the lies being spread by the media and a section of the elite. We tried to see the problems arose after flourishment of the BPO industry. The problems are both political and social. This industry has been creating another culture, which is not a result of diffusion of eastern and western culture but a culture based on consumerism i.e., consumerist culture.
This time we have devoted more pages to literary section than earlier. A story about the youth dilemma and frustration due to un-employment where a sensitive poem dealt about the contemporary humanism issue around us. The drama reviews covers the drama organised last month in our city. It is echoing against contemporary social evils that is deeply prevailed in our society. It also dealt the problem related to human rights. Whereas the satirical verses on St. Valentine evoke laughter.
We are getting lots of harsh comments and also wit innumerable appreciations. We tried to cater those news, which are not taken by mainstream media. So we have streamlined our horizon of thoughts and also sense. The main reason behind this is lack of resources. We are down but not out! Our small but honest endeavors will not go into vain………………
प्रवास एक नज़र में

ब्रिटिश राज के आरम्भिक दौर में ही अंग्रेजों की बौध्विक कोशिश भी शुरू होई-भारतीय समाज को जानने - समझने की .......
महाराष्ट्र- प्रव्रजन इतिहासिक परिदृश्य में

“Khamushid khamushid khamushaneh benushid
Beposhid beposhid shuma ganj-e-nehanid”
(You are silent, you are silent drink silently,
Remain conceded! Remain conceded! You are a hidden treasure)
It happened like that. One day, the ubiquitous, the omnipotent, the almighty rose from glittering, gleaming, I glistening throne, threw glances of his mysterious robe, punched his fist in the air in a magical manner, minced some majestic words and said “ Let there be light”(Unquoted! Not on record). And thus god created RUMI. (No reference from the BIBLE)....

The formers of our constitutions would perhaps had never thought that after some years many of the leaders of today will not follow it. What happening in Maharashtra clearly explains what the first line means. The regionalism going on in Maharashtra needs no introduction, as every one of us is well aware of all those nonsense. The North Indians especially the Biharis are being thrown away from Maharashtra by the workers of the leaders of M.N.S (Maharashtra Navnirmaan Sena) and Shivsena. The migrants Biharis are being forced to leave Maharashtra. The only reason for this is that those migrants speak in Hindi, our national language rather speaking in Marathi and also......
छोटे परदे का सामाजिक चेहरा
विवाह के विरुद्ध
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April 2008

Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine