SAMAR--A leap towards stars

We are glad to announce that here is the magazine in front of us for which we had a long longing, for which we laboured hard, for which we collected all the beauties of nature now it’s in our hands, we proudly poses this prized possession.

SAMAR means war in Hindi and pulpy fruit in Persian. The magazine had a blend of fierce and arrogant attitude towards evil and delicate and delicious taste of literature. You will find strong and clear messages against social evils for we stand and try to hold higher and better principles. Simultaneously, you will find beautiful and aromatic poetic verses, literary pieces, which will engulf your senses with wonders of world.

On occasions, it will be a ship taking you to long and brisk voyage through calm ocean. At other moment it will be hard fought travel through hustle and bustle of social dramas. And next moment it will be a spacecraft taking you to stars while piercing your inexplicable world of imaginations.

There are more and more stations to come. We hope and pray for this magazine to fly higher and higher because it has a mission it has to go beyond everything, it has to go beyond stars because a master of words of yesteryears has said – “Sitaron se aage jahan aur bhi hain” Definitely!!


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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine