Brain drain

We are in 21st century but still Brain Drain is a sensational topic for all of us. It is acting as a hurdle for the developing countries like India. The graph shows that how drastically it is increasing in the developing countries as concerned with the topic. Brain Drain means migration of intellectuals, engineers, doctors etc. It is also acting as the economic hindrance for the nation. Today not a single developing country can provide so many facilities, better standard of living as much can a developed country can. Better jobs, temptation of money, better standard of living are some of the reasons of Brain Drain. In foreign countries, migrated peoples are treated as a second-class people but still they desire to live there. When the people go to foreign they took years and years to accept foreign cultures but after accepting foreign culture they feel little bit relaxed. The remittances send by them in the form of foreign currency or anything have no compensation for the money invested on them by their nation’s government. But they didn’t realize these things and do not ever think on these topics.

With the dawn of 21st century, economic scenario of India and other developing countries has changed. Now India is also providing equal opportunities for her people. The migration of people from India to foreign countries has reduced, but still is has not completely stopped. People are serving their nation.

It has entered in our social habit now. For India, the process of development includes foreign job. Every affluent person has very near relatives in America or European countries. Moreover, this is considered as symbol of status and in marriage negotiations, this certificate of foreign job puts the groom’s family in invincible position. It is a national shame.

We had read in our schoolbooks that the fire extinguisher goes fist to those places where the fire is mire severe. Similarly, doctors, engineers, advocates, journalists and managers are needed most in our villages but all of us know that instead of going to villages they are going to America.

At last, I would like to conclude and also suggest that every person must feel that your country is the best and try to live in the circumstances provided to you in your country. I also want to suggest those peoples who are working in foreign countries that they must come back and serve their country.


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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine