Misery and Me

This is the right time for us (youth) to speak, because our thoughts, words and actions can rock the whole nation. We have been seeing since generations, the poverty and the misery around us. These miseries and poverty are not new and for centuries it exists and spreading like fire.

There is nothing to be surprised at if I say that there is always one, who wishes to change the complete pattern, but his beautiful idea are always sent to exile. This ‘noble man’ cannot bring his ideas into reality, for we stop and send him to exile. ‘We’ are such engrossed to glorify our external beauty that we are not left with our rationale to think good for our society and people. Each one of us knows this, but still we have cocooned ourselves with false satisfaction of our material need, external appearance and all imageries. We are in the world of our own made beliefs, where everything is considered excellent. It is just our false satisfaction, which has moulded us.

The youths of this era are bankrupt of their feelings for poor around them. Our monstrous ideas, which we call, as fashionable trend is the only thing, which makes us happy. The only thing worth mentioning is that our conscience does not appeal us, for it is dead.
The poor do not come on themselves. They have been exploited since decades and centuries. They are deprived of their rights and the deprived of their education.

To assert my views more firmly I would like to present a short, appealing and a true story.
One early morning, I was getting later for my tuition and was walking fast. On the opposite side of the road a man, who looked like a servant came and emptied the waded dustbin perhaps with the left over food of last day. Before I could comprehend anything, two women came running and started quarrelling over the food; they fought, thrashed and snatched the food from each other. I was completely aghast because it was the first time I saw such a situation. My movement stopped and I watched it for minutes and it was a bit difficult for me to believe that even such people do exist in this world. The scene occurred in my mind for many days and I still remember it.

We can give our big support to them and if we cannot, then it is the dearth of our good creativity. Our one humane touch to the society and people can fulfil our noble dream. The dream which everybody possesses in his eyes that one day this world will become beautiful.
“If we think deeply of time, then we will get a conclusion that time is precious and we are wasting it freely.”

Let us get prepared to give a start to the new era of unbounded success with the spirit of brotherhood and sprit of social humanity.

Asim Abdullah

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine