Letter from the Editor
The overwhelming response we are getting proves that we are slowly growing in our goal. Yet another edition of the magazine is in your hand, but this time the issue which we have dealt with, can really create ripples in each sensitive heart. We had given a glimpse of the homeless in the previous issue. In this issue we delve deep into their problem and find some naked truth which can trouble or shock the readers.
The reason behind this problem is the unequal distribution of land. Large chunk of the urban land are concentrated in the hands of some influential people and this creates the mess. About ninety percent cases in the courts are about land and property disputes. What does it shows?
We held a quick survey among youths of the city about the issue of Homeless people. As we want to the youths of the city with this issue and tried to extract their opinion through survey.
We always try to present a blend of literary and social write ups in SAMAR. We are presenting the stories and literary essays to capture the imaginations of readers. We hope that it will be fine tuned with social essays. It's an effort to create a healthy readership skill among our young and bright citizens. Say it, enthusiasm or our bubbliness of the team of SAMAR that we are trying to reach every colour of the spectrum.
On the other hand, some inevitable reasons and large hiccups or say it to work faster and better we have decided that, SAMAR will be bi-monthly from next year. It will go down in the history as another important leap towards star.
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Ostracized Section
by: Jiten
It is sad that a section of people in our society. Who has no home has been compelled to live under the open sky for more than three decades in city of Patna. Another amazing fact is that these people have not been included in the census! What does it signify? Does not the government accept them as citizen? Are these people foreigners or refugees in their own motherland?...
To read more Click Here.
Homeless People - An Exclusive Survey Report
Report prepared by: Zaheeb Ajmal
Youth of today are much concerned about the homeless people who are residing in this city for last 4-5 decades. This month we conducted a survey on homeless people which comprised of total six questions. We surveyed a junk of youths between age 15-30. We came to know about some interesting facts which we are going to reveal. This survey was conducted by SAMAR TEAM...
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जाएँ तो जाएँ कहाँ ?
द्वारा: विनीत
पलायन की मार झेलते मजदूर शहरों में किस तरह व्यवस्था के अभिजात्यिता का शिकार होकर जीवन की बुनियादी सुविधाओं को भी तरसते हैं ।
दुश्वंत कुमार के शब्दों में
दुश्वंत कुमार के शब्दों में
"कहाँ तो तय था की चिरागां हर एक घर के लिए
यहाँ दीया मयस्सर नहीं शहर के लिए "
यहाँ दीया मयस्सर नहीं शहर के लिए "
शेहरी ग़रीबों के जीवन के दर्द को समेटते हुए इस आलेख को पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ दबाएँ।
The Real Hero
She is not afraid of speaking her mind! She asked the Chief Minister" Are you giving these poor wagers a car or arranging transport for them to commute everyday because you are planning to settle them outside the city...
To read more Click Here.
Does an Indian child eat properly?
by: Aman
A special report on children day cleaning the doubts about the MYTHS and TRUTH about child malnutrition.
Malnutrition is one of the most neglected form of deprivation of human being.India is said to be a very prosperous country in concern to food production, still Bangladesh is the only country in this whole world which reports higher rates of child malnutrition(56%)than some of the Indian states (Bihar, Orissa, and Madhya Pradesh). There are many myths surrounding the word 'malnutrition'. Let us throw some light on some of them...
To read more Click Here.
Book Review - Tale of the Miserables

by: Faroghe Azzam
Indeed Victor Hugo's masterpiece 'The Miserables' tells a story of "a saint, a man, a woman, and a child,". The story covers a large portion of Revolutionary French history. The battle of Waterloo, the revolving door of governments, and the numerous street barricade rebellions of the city of Paris during the 1830s all serve as a background for the story. The French word "miserables" means both poor wretches and scoundrels or villains.
To read more Click Here.
लौट आये दोस्त

द्वारा : ओसामा सोहेल
" यह कहानी दो अबोध बच्चों की घर से भाग कर लौटने की और अपने अबोध मन से अपने घर समाज को परिभाषित करने की कोशिश के बतौर आपके सामने प्रस्तुत है।"
बाल मन को रेखांकित करती इस कहानी को पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ दबाएँ।
अपनी अपनी बात
द्वारा: अनीश अंकुर
ग्रेटर पटना की ओर बढ़ते राजधानी के सड़कों पर ज़िंदगी तलाशते आश्रयहीनो के दर्द को बटोरते हुए ज़िंदगी की तल्ख़ अनुभवों से रूबरू होते हुए कुछ खास बातचीत।
पूरा आलेख पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ दबाएँ।
जाने अपने अधिकार
पत्रिका के पिछले अंक में हमने "गिरफ़्तारी" के संबंध में जानकारी दिया था । इस बार हम पुलिस के द्वारा सुराग के लिए यातना देने का अपराध, पुलिस हिरासत में हत्या के संबंध में लापता व्यक्तियों के संबंध में, नकली मुठभेङ के संबंध में आदि सहित राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार पत्रिका के पिछले अंक में हमने " गिरफ़्तारी" के संबंध में जानकार आयोग के संबंध में जानेंगे।
पूरा आलेख पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ दबाएँ
पूरा आलेख पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ दबाएँ
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April 2008

Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine