There are 2.2 billions children in the world but not all of them enjoy same quality of life. Nature and society is uniform for all of them. These are diversities and some diversity is cruel, murderous – hard to believe. We should ponder over the situation; we should have deep and insight about the situation. Here is a cross section.
· Children in this world – 2.2 billion or 220 crore
· Living in poverty – 1 billion or 100 crore
· Children in south Asia – 585 million or 58.5 crore
ð South Asia means India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives.
ð More than 26.6 % of total children lives in these 7 countries
ð See the enormous data of poverty, every second child is poor
Home, Water, Health core Data Ratio
Homeless children in developing countries --- 6.4 crore 1 out of 3
Children without safe drinking water --- 40 crore 1 out of 5
Children with no medical facilities --- 27 crore 1 out of 7
You can see how lucky you are that you can read this horrendous data is this magazine, while sitting in a comfortable chair.
Children not going to primary school 12.1 crore
ð Children that are age of primary education are going to become illiterate.
ð And most of them are girls.
Total number of children alive below five years ____ 1.06 crore
Of age in Germany, France, Greece, Italy
Total number of children died before five years ___ 1.06 crore
Of age in whole world
Children dieing per day before their 5th birthday in the world - 29, 158
Children dieing per day due to lack of drinking water and hygiene - 3, 900
ð It means in poor countries we can have large number of children but not feed then even for 5 years
ð A data reveals that most of them could have been saved i.e. they do not had any incurable disease.
nutritionPercent of children having less weight than require: Yemen – 32 %
Sudan – 31 %
India – 30 %
Sweden – 4% (Sweden is a developed nation)
Percent of children (below five years of age) having seriously less weight than required
Sub – Saharans Africa – 8
Middle east and North Africa – 2
South Asia –16
East Asia and pacific – 3
ð It means a large number of mothers are not getting good and healthy food, they are giving birth to such children who are lonely down trodden.
ð There are a large number of children in India who are five years old but can’t stand upon because of their health.
Children got orphaned due to AIDS in the word – 1.5 crore
Children aged less than 14 years, living with HIV in Sub Sahara Africa – 19 lakh
ð Aids have revival several, several children, who have done nothing wrong.
ð Cost of Cure standing AIDS is 300 $ (expended) and these almost 20 countries having their per capita national income less than 300 $. So, imagine its mountain some task for them.
1990 – 2003 no. of Armed conflicts in the worlds wars – 59
16 out of 20 most poor countries have faced big civil wars in last 15 years.
In 1990 no. of children died in conflicts – 16 lakh
No. of children forced to live their homes (less than 5 years age) – 2 years
In 1994, no. of children died due to conflicts in span of 90 days in Rwanda – 300,000
Take a special case of Iraq – 3 wrap in last 20 years.
50% of population is of aged less the 18 years.
Primary schools in Iraq – 14,000
Schools with no toilet at drinking water – 7000
Girls as percentage of boys involved in school – 62
Every year children are made victim of trafficking – 12 lakhs
Every year children are made victim of sex racket – 20 lakhs
Goal – To give every child his dignified life.
Time limit – 2015 A.D
Cost – 40 – 70 billion $
In 2003 only money spent on military expense in the world – 956
OECD nations (most developed) – 22
UNO asked them to contribute for betterment of the world’s pathetic conditions – 0.7% of their GDP every year.
But only 5 of them have done it in 2002. it means if we had thought seriously about the problems we could have wiped them out but we were fighting with each others , we actually don’t want peace.
Source: UNICEF, Annual report 2005
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