It is really commendable of the students to organize weekly get-togethers not to while away time by engaging in mundane gossip but to do something creative and positive. This is what study circles had been all about in the past. Over a period of time, the lure of study circles was lost in view of the busy lifestyle and umpteen distractions.Recognizing the worth and scope of study circle is a welcome move and reviving it is a positive step. Knowledge does not grow in isolation. It needs the nourishment of healthy interaction. If you keep the doors shut, fresh air and refreshing light will not reach you. You gain from the experience and knowledge of others.Sharing is part of the game. SAMAR is a refreshing fruit of your efforts. It will take some time to ripen and spread its aroma. As they say, journey of a mile begins with a single step. You have taken the step in the right direction, move forward. Don’t falter or fumble.

- ShamsAhsan
(He is Chief sub Editor of Saudi Gazette)

This post is so beautiful and so honestly written. I'm sure each of us could try and repay at least some of the kindness to our mothers (if it were ever possible) by being loving towards them.
Prem ki surat, Daya ki murat...
Aisis aur kahaan hai..jaisi meri maa hai.

- Afrin Haque

It is really nice to see that people like u all still exists. I don’t know how long this will continue but still I wish u guys all the best. This article, ‘In the chains of slavery’, is very true and everyone should know about it. Everyone talks about the child labour but still its very common n especially in Asia. Try to maintain your pace and come up with some new issues. I'll b joining u guys soon.


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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine