In our daily life, we respect and like those person who display qualities of good conduct such as control of tongue, cheerfulness, tolerance, avoid criticizing and complaining aims at integrity in life. A person may be high in academic distinction but if he does not behave with politeness, courtesy and gentleness none likes him.
Our young friends, who are preparing for high jobs and posts of responsibility, must bear that without good conduct; they wouldn’t succeed as an excellent employer. We should remember that good conduct is silver and gold of life. The major factor for good conduct is the control of mind. There is no doubt that the mind is instable and is difficult to control as the air, but it can be brought under control and made to behave through constant effort, serious contemplation creates control on nerves, and one who has control on nerves has control on his tongue, his actions, his deeds, and his thoughts. Control of mind means control of tongue and thought. It is more important to control the thoughts, as the tongue is the medium through which one express what one feels within oneself. Control of mind means calm mind that means courage to face the difficulties of life without fear. Lord Chesterfield used to say that it is only the man of good conduct who can make real progress in life Shakespeare said, “ mind is at its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell or hell of heaven”.
While trying to control the mind, we must bear the difficulties and remember that all evils are transitory. In this situation our duty is to be always cheerful as no one likes to live with a person with funeral look and irritable temperament. More you control your mind, more you believe in yourself.
A sage had said that to start a spiritual life you must bring thought, speech and action in one line. After that your mind reaches at peace and then you travel the beautiful terrains and valleys. You become calm, you throw aberrations from your characters. Friends, such small things have such long lasting repercussions. You try your best to get control on your nerves today and you eat the fruits for whole life.
· Shahbaz
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