Your Voice

I am really impressed with your research work about Ghalib, you said his poetry is sad and about suffering, but in my opinion the art of poetry flourishes when the poet is not well off, there are a lot of example including Ghalib, Mir and a lot. one more thing whish was missing you did not mentioned anything about Ghalib's skill in prose, if u have studied Urdu as a subject then you must have read letters written by Ghalib, its a part of urdu syllabus in most of the education board, u must read his letter, its amazing, and last I found a few mistakes in a few couplet, at places u have not quoted complete couplet, which can leave readers a bit confused. Over all I am pretty impressed with the effort at least this will create some awareness about Urdu literature, at last I would like to suggest do a series on Urdu poet the scope is immense.
~Ammar Nasir, Pune

Shelter the second most important factor for anyone's life, after food. Lots of people are struggling for a roof on their head. I personally think that the problem is neither the huge mass nor the scarcity of a place; actually the problems are lack of interest and lack of plans. I have seen lots of old buildings which are in the form of khandhar and presently they are useless. But they can be a hope of thousand people if govt. or we will invest little money and little interest.

For this we would also need an approval from govt. and I think that would be easier if any NGO will take interest in it.

~Avinash Mishra,
Greater Noida

It is really shameful that after 55 years of independence we are still struggling for social justice and equality in society .Giving reservation is the most easiest way to tackle the problem but this the artificial way of tackling the problem we should go to the root cause and try to solve the problem . Poverty and inequality is a vicious cycle riser could help to break the cycle but this is not the solution because we have millions of people who needs help and we are helping thousands of people and patting our back.

We have a limited infrastructure that means we can produce the fixed number of graduates and majority of graduates are from FC we need to equalize the things. We need to give strength to the infrastructure. I am afraid that we will hear more suicide cases after class 12th exams when a student will not get admission. If the food is limited then there are two ways to solve the problem. Eat less or grow more.
The choice is yours. I strongly believe that first improve the infrastructure then offer reservation, this is the only way.

~Ujjwal Shukla

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine