Letter from the Editor

We all love books. We want to read, we want to travel through these black words. In this wonderland, we find innumerous fantasies. Some of them we can imagine and some of them we cannot. Some of them are expecte and some of them are unprecedented.

But remember my dear friends; only reading books can’t help you. Try to wear it, try to eat it, try to drink it, and try to sense it. Because the biggest and the most beautiful book is the Nature. This book is open and non-taxable. It is freely accessible to any boy. When you cannot relate your readings with things around you, you may be at wrong foot. Look what Wordsworth says –

Up! Up! My friend and quit your books;
Or surely you will grow double;
Come forth in the light of things,
Let nature be your Teacher

The men of words, who have written something in the heavy books, have surely got their food for thought from the Nature as a baby gets its meal through umbilical cord. So no other source can be more nourishing as nature would be. So whenever you read books, stories, poems, science, philosophy; look carefully where it makes you stand. We are child of this social system. What we think reflects in our actions.

Our magazine tries its best to create a harmony between nature and literature. It will be our honour that readers find it comfortably compatible with what Wordsworth writes in above poetic piece. So must read god things and be positive in helping us to more beautiful extracts from nature and present them in our magazine.

Thank you

Yours truly,

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine