Truth or Scare: Psychic Science

The word psychic is synonymous with mental and is used for a person apparently sensitive to non-physical forces. It is no secret that modern society thinks of psychic as slightly crazy or less than normal. On the contrary, the word psychic never means demented or mentally disturbed. It is a sensation to influences that produces experiences, which are not scientifically explained; having such a mental power that is not scientifically explainable.

In 1979, a 26-year-old student at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom consulted a doctor with complaints of a cold. The doctor on staff noticed that the student held a first class degree in Mathematics was a normal man except he has a slightly larger than average head. Curious doctor sent him to James Lobber who was then member of doctor’s club, which was leading in the spinal surgery in the world.

It was unbelievable for Dr. Lobber who reported that the student possessed IQ of 126 and had no signs of any mental deficiency, yet when the head of the student was X rayed, Dr. Lobber discovered that he had almost no brain tissue and the head was filled with fluid (cerebrospinal fluid). Dr. Lobber also calculated that the student possessed 100gms of brain compare to the adult brain weighing 1500gms. 100gms is little more than the average brain of dog.

Let us pause and think that how many dogs we knew that have honours degree in Mathematics. Cannott think of any. How was student functioning on the level he was? The student possessed such a mental power that is of scientifically explainable and he can be called a ‘psychic’. Psychic science is broad subject that includes occultism, mysticism, metaphysics etc. It is not considered a ‘head science’ and sometimes not even “science” because almost nothing is verifiable observable reproducible in these subjects of study. In other words, these disciplines do not follow the scientific basis of cause and effect.
Strong mental powers and the sixth sense are two difficult activities.Strong mental power makes a person confident, brave, wise, intelligent, smart etc. But the sixth sense is quite a different from this. It helps a perceive the ongoing things around him analyse it broadly and present the esoteric knowledge of unknown things. Telepathy is another phenomenon, the non-physical communication of one’s ideas and feelings, in other words it is termed as communication from one mind to another at a distance.

Clairvoyance is an English word derived from French meaning ‘clear seeing’ and is used as a synonym for Psychic. However, it is considered being able to tell what is happening in a remote place rather at the present tie than being able to see into the future.

We are talking about strong mental powers; we discussed clairvoyance, and now let us make more deep incision in this operation. We find that one of the medium of telling about what is going to happen next is Dream. Dream has been believed to foretell portentous events ever since the dawn of man. Many people believe that someone else can look into their future and give them a worthwhile advice.

Because dreams are always obscure in meaning, psychologists try to interpret their meaning. Sometimes it happens that one finds certain events in dreams which comes true in future. This happens because of one’s active ESP (Extra sensory Perception). There are two types of ESP (1) a plain future is seen (2) a person sees future an event of which he does not have any idea. It is always a fearful dream.

It starts with frightening dream, which seems very similar to the truth as realistic one. Such dreams are always revealed to human being in parts. These dreams come true in future and the person who dreamt can tell what is next. These dreams must not be considered as a magic. This type of dream is also called as prophetic dream that usually predict the future. Our conscious mind usually knows what the future holds and these dreams, in a way, try to warn us.

I as protagonist of this article have two queries for to readers and urge them to reply sincerely.
Is it possible to see future in dreams?
Can a person read one’s heart and mind?

Asim Abdullah

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April 2008

April  2008
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