Mystery of the creator

The early man had little knowledge how nature worked and why, except what he himself could experience, out of this feeling of mystery must have emerged the concept of supernatural. The feeling that there is a true reality behind this life – this is how the concept of divinity, of the transcendent, a universal God, bigger than the human and nature, a source of nurture, a ruler on destiny would have developed. This concept of power, of a Creator, in the sense of that is everything, a power of the higher and this reality must have come about. The concept of religion has to be traced back in faith of a holy power that goes beyond this universe, and supports it. It could be that this was not given a form, and stayed a vague term of providence, as a creating and recreating force, working in food, sex, fertility, birth, death and the changing seasons. When this view, that this force exists, found its own life in different aspects and functions, this developed into spirits, ghosts, and idols, with its own tasks.

It reappears throughout the whole of mankind. The remerging of faith in every phase of cultures and religions since prehistoric times, gives a clear indication that is something that is a spontaneous part of man itself. It is an expression of a feeling and thinking man is born with, not so much an outcome of observation and knowledge of this universe and nature. Without a doubt, this developed into the monotheism of today, in the God as only creator and sustainer of all the things.

Humankind always has to form something into a shape, to name it - an experience or feeling a scientific idea about the world around us. We always have to label it, put a name card on it. Shape it into image. This is no weakness, it is build within our nature, and it helps us to deal with the things we encounter in life. But in one thing we went wrong, went ahead of ourselves, and crossed a limit. We do not search God; we search for a form or a place for him.

Science has come a long way. Every time the thought they had reached a limit, a new horizon appeared. The knowledge of the building that forms our material world got smaller and more complicated over the years. First we started to understand that everything was build with small ‘construction’ blocks, and we called them molecules. This idea is thousands of years old, coming from the ancient history, passed on to us through the ancient Greeks. The fundamentals of the laws of the building blocks grew over the ages, until 19th and 20th century we started to understand that they had so many properties, they had to be formed by even smaller particles. Being present in each molecule in a different amount and formation and giving each molecule its unique qualities. Protons, neutrons and electrons and of course these later turned out to be constructed by again smaller parts, quarks. Quarks had smaller substances and form, there on, it never stopped. Now we have reached a point we know we cannot go further. We start to understand we live in one unlimited energy field. No vacuum, no spaces between the energy. Scientists have given it different names but they all agree on the properties, Zero Point Field, Akasha field. This does not matter.

Of course, it is important we have to look at scriptures in a scientific way. We have to look at the psychology and social factors behind. Let us stop giving God a form or place. Let us stop trying to grasp the Ungraspable. God is everything and cannot be comprehended. This is sometimes hard for people to understand. We are a “thing” that can never engulf the Everything. However, we still can have a relationship with Him. We have been created with a meaning, so to know us; we have to start with knowing Him. Some people say; “look god inside of you”. I say it around; “look you are inside of God”.

‘I am the producer and Destroyer of the whole universe. There is nothing else, O Dhaman gaya! Higher than Myself, all this woven upon Me, like number of pearls upon a thread. And all entities which are of the quality of goodness, and those which are of the quality of passion and of darkness, know that they are, indeed all from Me; I am not in them, but they are in Me.’

Bhagwad-gita Chapter 7, verses 6 and 10

‘Know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above an on earth beneath; there is no other.’
Deuteronomy 4,39

“It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the All. From Me did the All come forth, and unto Me did the All extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone and you will find Me there.”
Gospel of Thomas, verse 77

‘To God belongs the East and the West. Wherever you turn the presence of God is everywhere: All- pervading is He and All-knowing.’
Quran, Chapter 6 verse 115

‘This is God, your Lord; there is no God but Him, the Creator of all things. So pay homage to Him, for he takes care of everything. No eyes can penetrate Him, but He penetrates all eyes, and He knows all the mysteries, for he is All-knowing’
Quran, Chapter 22, verses 102-3

‘That is so for God is the undeniable Reality. It is He who brings the dead to life, for He has the power over everything.’
Quran, Chapter 22, verse 6

First-Hand analogy!

It would be as if somebody grabbed your hand, folded your fingers so it formed a fist and say; “the fist can help me, this fist is special. Hit that person for me, protect me, fist” wouldn’t you say; “the fist is not special, without me it can’t do anything. I decide if I would help you, the fist can’t decide on its own. I’m the master. Why don’t you ask me to help you? Why do you ask a part of me, that has no power of its own? Where has this idea come from?” then the person might say; “Ok, then I ask you to help me with your fist”. Wouldn’t your answer be; “I decide if I help you with my fist, I decide what I’m going to help you” imagine then you helped him, protected him using your fist. Afterwards he would say; “thank you, I swear there is no protector but you and your fist is your helper.” Wouldn’t you start all over again? “my fist didn’t hep you, I did, why mention it even? I used my fist, and maybe it was an important means to help you, but still I helped you. It was me, and me alone who helped you. Why mention it like you have to?”
If you praise a created thing, you praise a drop inside God. Does this drop really have any power?

Understand this and you know the true relation between you and God. There is no space between you and your Creator, no barrier. The revelations say there is no god except God, no power except the Power.

To be continued…

In next month, “in the signs of God in Creation of Universe”

Rasshad Khan

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine