Your Voice

I liked the last issue of volume one and the article with the title “Humanity is endangered” touched me. It is true that humanity is endangered but it is more appropriate to say that humanity is made endangered and humans themselves do it. The reason is that humans are best creatures of God and also all alone who is marching ahead with the time. Human heart is never satisfied, the more it get the more it desires. To fulfil the desire, the human beings suppress ‘others’. Bur who are these ‘others’? They are again human beings. As the writer writes that history has witnessed Muslim kings attacking mosques and Hindu samrats attacking temples, the fact to be noted is that kings never fought for the religion. The war always took place with two feudal powers on either side. Sometimes I think that humanity is destined to be endangered. For example during freedom struggle, Indians shed their blood for freedom. By 1930’s, their struggle started giving positive result and British were ready to sit and discuss. But fate doesn’t like peaceful settings and as a result, communal harmony reached its zenith. Generation X must frame a system, which can brig permanent solution to these inevitable problems. We generally come across the terms like, ‘conserve water’, ‘conserve minerals’ , ‘conserve soil’ etc., but I would like to coin the term-“CONSERVE HUMANITY”
Shahbaz Patna

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine