Letter from the Editor

The vision that we had during our school days is now taking shape through this magazine. It took seven years to reach this stage and we have a long way to go. I think it is our third step of a long ladder. On the first step it appeared in the hand written form in the year 2000, then four years later it reappeared in the form of computerised printed copy. Finally Samar has turned from a lad to an adult and will gain more maturity with its age. Here you have first issue of the magazine in a published form.

It is a youth centred magazine, however its spectrum captures all those issues which deserve media attention but unfortunately, ignored by present media barons. The cover story of this issue is based on havoc caused by flood in Bihar in a new dimension.

We have covered Muzzafarpur, Khagariya, Begusrai and other affected regions. Our team has done a case study on a village, Bashi, which was badly affected by flood and a part of it is erased from the land as it was situated in the midst of swift current of river Burhi Gandak which broke the embankments mercilessly.

Officials announced several policies to normalise the situation but all in vain. Many meetings were held, crores of rupees were spent on Centre for Disaster Management and the ground result is not even satisfactorily. Our leaders assess the situation from helicopter time to time. Dropping of food packets from helicopter is one of the ostentatious roles, played by our government. A large section of media covered this exaggerated adventurous events and kept itself indifferent towards the ground realities.

And as regular routine this time too we have presented various articles on other issues. We are trying to search and present everything related to passion and fancies of today’s responsible young citizens of India i.e. from tantalizing music to adventure safari, from sensitive literature to extra terestial philosophies.

Happy reading folks!!

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine