Those Sleepless Nights at BPO...

by Nayab
It's half past two. I am sitting in my cubicle sketching the stupid face of my team leader; drowsiness is an alien word to me now, and staying awake is not an ordeal anymore. I look to my left and I see one of my colleagues on a call speaking in a highly accented American English. He seems very confident and fluently giving information on a certain subject. All this bores me, and I bury my head again in my piece of paper. The face of my team leader mocks me, and it says what are yaw doing? I stare at the paper then realize the voice was coming from behind. I look back and I see my stupid looking TL with a stern face, he is wearing a red tie, and I tell myself he sure resembles a circus clown. I smile at him and say nothing...
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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine