In the NEWS


Khagaria: An organisation Local Govt & Decentralized Economy Social Group, called up a mass meeting in Khagaria district. The meetin

g was organised with an objective to seek for a permanent solution of flood in Bihar. Around 10 thousand of the people gathered for the meeting. However, the number of people is less as compared to the previous year where around one lakh people attended for the meeting. The idea behind organising this mass meeting was “social ownership”. In this meeting the affected people joined and worked out the solution of their problems without taking any help from the indifferent and unjust government The idea emerged in the meeting was that society should take initiative to establish its own education system, economy systems development system with social accountability under its own supervision.Under the leadership of Vivekananda, Madhuri Sewa Nyas trust tried to establish self sustained social model of social governance and society owned education, economic and health system. Twentyone technical-professional and vocational training institutes are being established. This Nyas has also established 33- bed nursing college through social ownership.

But this year, meeting seemed not to be up to the mark. Even, most of the people participating in meeting were not aware about the goal. It puts the question mark somewhere over their huge claim. Meeting seemed to be more political than social.

About 30 thousand landless farmers, tribal and displaced people of 18 states marched from Gwalior to Delhi on Gandhi Jayanti. It was different from today’s unnecessary political rallies.
There were no sensational speeches, no entertainment for the determined Satyagrahis. Everyone was aware about his goal, so the determination level among them remained very high. It was the rare feature of this march. They put questions in front of Prime Minister of India what he was providing them from this 9 % growth rate in economy. Do they have no right over their own lands, jungles and rivers?

Effect of this protest march was that Prime Minister compelled to take steps and to form Land Reform Committee under his own presidentship.

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine