Letter from the Editor
Happy and prosperous New Year
This is the seventh year of this new millennium. We wish every reader of Samar a magnamous life. May coming year bring prosporous life? In forth coming year, you may develop aesthetic sense and you may develop more interest in literature and art. This will create a literary aroma in our present society especially among youth, which is also our goal.
Keep reading this magazine and give your suggestions to make our effort successful. This is a movement is trying to change the flow of the society. We are now entering in our second year. We hope that this effort continues for fifty years.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
This is the seventh year of this new millennium. We wish every reader of Samar a magnamous life. May coming year bring prosporous life? In forth coming year, you may develop aesthetic sense and you may develop more interest in literature and art. This will create a literary aroma in our present society especially among youth, which is also our goal.
Keep reading this magazine and give your suggestions to make our effort successful. This is a movement is trying to change the flow of the society. We are now entering in our second year. We hope that this effort continues for fifty years.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Your Voice
The article written by Asim Abdullah ‘Truth or scare’ is not only informative but also raises our own ability of inquisitiveness. I am impressed. And about his questions—
My answer is that each of us believe in Sixth Sense. This is a kind of sense about which we know very less but never loose faith in it. With this sixth sense, we have discovered many unknown things. No doubt then, with this faculty, we can read one’s mind & heart but the problem is that we have no control over this faculty. Niether we have derived any methodology to develop this faculty.
Moreover, about dreams, Sigmund Freud has said many things, he had derived the idea that what we have in unconscious mind comes in our dream. This is scientific. But I have no clue that in dreams one can see future. It may occur in Hollywood movie. But here writer is talking about extra sensory perception (ESP) about which I know nothing. I am thankful to him for the information that through ESP we can get any clue of future. If it is true then it needs more extensive research.
Humanity is endanger
National anthems have been written by poets or composers to create patriotic feelings among the citizen. However, the sentiments of national anthem vary, from prayers for the monarch to references to nationally important battles or revolts (“The Star-Spangled Banner,” United States; “La Marseillaise,” France) to expressions of patriotic feeling (“O Canada”). The national anthem of England “God Save the Queen” or “Jana Gana Mana” of India, none talks about humanism. From feudalism to socialism from capitalism to communism none of the economy system has succeed to maintain peace. Humanity has seen different social system and has somehow managed to survive. This world has seen numbers of wars and oceans have tasted blood. Enemy is categorised on various grounds like religion, origin, colour, caste, and creed. But one thing is common in all and that is human. Every nation is worried about their identity and the identity of human is loosing its existence.
Secularism replaced religious authority and with time major interest of the age shifted from religion to politics. Now politics is mixed with religion. While turning the pages of history we see the massacre of Jews, communist, socialist and even artists, philosophers and professors by the German Nazi. Even now, we see the same massacre of Muslims in Gujarat when people brutally raped women and killed children on the basis of religion. However, in the history of music we see that a Hindu singer used to take inspiration from a Muslim singer. The famous singer of Indore Sri Gurukulatasvya Maharaj ji used to practice his music in front of a statue of a Muslim singer, Ustad Amir Khan. Maharaj ji was a Brahman and even a priest of a temple still he used to serve god through his music. Here religion does not even matter.
In India people who play politics on the basis of religion has no interest with the religion. They have their own hidden political motives. They hijack religion and twist and turn the basics of religion to increase the vote bank. Recently rightist party raised a slogan that those who do not say “Vande Mataram” are not Indian. Vande Mataram means motherland is above all but for Muslims religion comes first and at the same time, Islam says that one who does not respect his motherland is not a perfect Muslim. Then why some people wants them to prove themselves Indian by saying Vande Mataram. Even some Muslims hijack Islam and target people for their own hidden motives.
In every age, we see conflicts among people. Subject of fight may vary. In history, we see many battles between the kingdoms of same religion Christian invading Christian, Muslim ruining Mosques and Hindu ruining Temples. In the medieval age, many Muslim rulers had destroyed mosques and many Hindus destroyed temples. Gaznavi once asked approval of Sultan to cross Multan to enter India and the Sultan rejected the approval. Ghaznavi got angry and attacked Multan and in the battle, Ghaznavi collapsed Jama masjid (Mosque) of Multan. Likewise, Maratha Sena attacked Tipu Sultan in Mysore, the war ended with no result and frustrated Marathas collapsed a Hindu temple to aware Tipu Sultan. In the medieval age battle occurred for wealth and property. Before independence, Muslims and Hindus together fought against British. But immediately after the independence conflict between Hindus and Muslims occurred. From that time we see politics are done on the basis of religion.
Social system of today is in terrible condition. Humanity is again under attack. A system of hatred has established in society. A Hindu hates a Muslim because he is not a Hindu and Muslim does the same. What is wrong, religion or the people? No! People are not wrong nor the religion. What is wrong is the system, a system where a feeling of terror, hatred and insecurity exists among the people. Now the question arises do we want a better society? When something happens in the place far from us we don’t care, but when it happens on us we blame the system and the government, and system is created by the people. So directly or indirectly, people are at fault. Humanity is targeted every time due to lack of concern or awareness. We know how many fundamental rights are bestowed upon us but we do not know anything about fundamental duties. This again proves lack of responsibility of the people.
Youths are essential part of this system. In this world of Globalisation, we see youths are more career oriented. Major part of life goes in building a good career. This does not mean that youths do not have any social responsibilities. Each day we kill our sensitivity and try to make ourselves more professional. Where youths are, also known as generation X; means they will run the system in future. However, very few percentages of youths are social oriented and rest are in the spider web of mobile age. Humanity is insecure and demand youths to be more social oriented. With time, people are becoming more insensitive. This is a threat to humanity and this world cannot survive without humanity.
Poets Of the World

William Butler Yeats was borne in July 1865 as the eldest son of John Butler Yeats whose family came to Ireland from Yorkshire at the end of seventeenth century. His father was not a wealthy man. He moved his household several times. However, his mother’s family, the Pollexfens were well to do people. Therefore, Yeats would spend his childhood with his maternal grandfather’s family.
Yeats’s father was an artist so he encouraged him to write poetry. Not only that, his father sent him to Dublin to study art in 1883, where he met a student called George Russell. George himself was brilliant in mystique poetry. He shared his interest in mystic religion and the supernatural with Yeats. Both of these encouragement helped Yeats to start writing poetry in his teens.
His poetry was initially based on Irish legends. Moreover, Shelly and Spencer influenced his style. His aims were to write for an Irish audience and about Ireland. Take this –
Red Rose, proud rose, sad rose of all my days!
Come near me, while I sing the ancient ways;
Cuhulian battling with bitter tide;
The Druid, grey, wood nurtured, quiet eyed,
Who cast round Fergus dreams, and ruin untold;
And thine own sadness, where of stars, grown old
(From The Rose, 1893)
A well-known critic of Yeats writes about this symbolic poem like this –
In general, rose stood for spiritualism and eternal beauty in his poetry. Here, Red Rose is symbol for Ireland. This poem also uses imageries from Gaelic legends. Cuhulian and Fergus
are two of them.
(William Jeffares, Selected poetry of Yeats, Pan Classics)
These kinds of legends he had read in nineteenth century translations, which filled him with feelings of nationalism. This fervent feeling was reflected in his poetry.
Slowly and slowly, he became more nationalistic; he joined those groups, which were revolutionary in nature. Subsequently, he met a lady called Maud Gonne in 1889. He immediately fell in love with her. She was leading a group of nationalist revolutionaries. Yeats too joined her. He spent many years with them partly to fight for Ireland and partly to impress Maud. So until 1897-98 he was deeply engaged in nationalist politics. He even joined secret extremist group Irish Republican Brotherhood (I.R.B.) for a brief period.
The accident occurred with Yeats that he proposed Maud and she immediately refused him. This accident occurred in 1895. Yeats was deeply hurt by this. The effect of the incident no doubt left a deep impression on his poetry. He became more aloof from the popular poetry.
…he was writing intense yet rarified poems, delicately beautiful and wekly adjectival. He was bringing his early work of the Celtic Twilight period to its fullest, most elaborate development.
(Norman Jeffares, Selected Poetry of Yeats, Pan Classics)
In 1899, he published his second poetry collection “The Wind among Reeds”. A poem from this collection will show his grief.
The Host of Air
(Selected stanzas)
And he saw how the reeds grew dark
At the coming of night tie,
And dreamed of the long dim hair
Of Bridget his bride.
He heard while he sang and dreamed
A piper piping away,
And never was piping so sad ,
And never was piping so gay
And he saw young men and young girls,
Who danced on a level place,
An Bridget his bride among them ,
With a sad and a gay face
He bore her away in his arms,
The handsomest young men there,
And his neck and his breast and his arms
Were drowned in her long dim hairs
This poem was based on old Gaelic ballad. Yeats himself ha translated and sung when was in Ballisodre, co. Sligo. The husband has come to home after along journey. He feels the keeners keening for his wife. (Yeats, Pan Classic) The keener is the person who laments over dead. So the husband becomes keener when he meets his dead wife.
His style of writing melancholy and spiritual poems changed to romantic and love poems. His book – “In the seven woods (1903)” – it is clearly shown. Slowly and strongly he recovered from his traumas and then he completed his ambitious project of creating a national theatre of Ireland.In 1904 this theatre was renamed as Abbey theatres. This theatre was first of its kind in Ireland. It got total success. In this work, he was helped by a kind elderly ladycalled Lady Gregory. He spent his summers in coming years at her countryside home. This provided him a life without financial and emotional strains.
His next volume of poems, Responsibilities (1914), contained an entirely different poery, the antithesis of his early work, stripped of its decoration. Astonishingly all the spiritualistic hue he was carrying was dropped of then. He repudiated all the Celtic Twilight’s embroideries out of old mythologies. He felt that not all the old mythologies are helping him in achieving his ambitions through poetry. Look what he writes-
A Coat
I made my song a coat
Covered with embroideries
Out of old mythologies
From heel to throat;
But the fools caught it,
Wore it in the world’s eye
As though they’d wrought it
Song, let them take it,
For there is more enterprise
In walking naked.
Yeats began to praise the refinement and public spiritedness of aristocratic life. He was now changed man. In 1917, he married George Hyde Lees whom he had known for many years. His marriage made his life ‘serene and full of order’ and it provided the starting point for an altogether unexpected conjunction of his romantic and realistic strains of poetry. His marriage encouraged him to write a distinct kind of script, which he called ‘system of symbolism’. This script deals with various kinds of human personalities. It was published in 1926 under the title of A Vision.
Now his poetry was reblossoming. Yeats was able to write with authority to blend his appreciation of beauty with tragic rather pathetic elements of life, to give significance toordinary events of life, which his earlier poetry avoided. In the poem below, he talks about jis child who is sleeping. The tone is ordinary and situation is simple which signifies his attention towards simple things of life —
Once more the storm is howling, and half hid
Under this cradle - hood and coverlid
My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle
His life had got bettered too. He became Irish senator and worked a lot for public. He got Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. Nobel Prize gave worldwide recognition to his poetry. He bought a home for his family. Now he had two children whom he loved very much. In nutshell, he was a happy man now. All the struggles of his life were bearing him fruits. This was sign of stability and maturity shown his poetry.
By the time, he realised that he had grown old. His body was ageing but he kept his muse younger. In the poem “Sailing to Byzantium” (1928), he shows passion of tension between sensual and spiritual –
That is no country for old men. The young
The aged man is paltry thing,
A tattered coat upon a stick, unless
O sages standing in God’s holy fire
Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,
Consume my heart away; sick with desire
……………… and gather me
Into the artifice of eternity
Once out of nature I shall never take
My bodily form from any natural thing.
(From The Tower, 1927)
He wrote continuously even he was severely ill in 1927-28 and in 1929. His books the winding stair (1931), Words for music perhaps (1931), a full moon march (1935) came and got success. Now he was fighting with old age. In a poem he writes -
“At Algeciras – a meditation upon death”
In last times, his mod was changing with different ieas erupting in his mind. He was showing his anger, eagerness, youthfulness, inquisitiveness in his Last Poems (published after his death).
Norman Jeffears writes—
“Filled with energy he fought death to the end but in ‘The Man and Echo’ he came to realise that all he knew was that he did not know what death brought. He hated old age; he called upon his ancestors to judge what he had done in ‘Are You Content?’”
(Norman Jeffares, Selected Poetry of Yeats, Pan Classics)
He died in Roquebrunne in January 1939. His body was brought back to Ireland and interred in September 1948. He will be remembered always as great English and Irish poet.
References –
1. Norman Jeffares, Selected Poetry of Yeats, Pan Classics
2. Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 2002
Impediments in developments
People always talk about the development of their country, but the question is, do they really mean it when they snowballed such topic in their discussion? Every section of public either talks about the same topic, they mock at it or take it seriously. They seem to be very much concerned and interested for their nation and most prominent among them are politicians but we all know what truth is.
If you ask the commoners what they contribute for their country, the only answer is ‘nothing’ except their empty and worthless gossips, which come from the sick and idle mind. Without their initial effort they want their country to become ‘beau monde’ (a beautiful world).
Our country, India is vast with huge population, and for that reason, even the petty problems of the people are added to become a big problem, which definitely becomes difficult for any government to tackle it at once. Whenever there occurs a small problem people make groups and unions and go for indefinite strike, people of other parts of the country also support them in many issues like demolition of a building, reservation in IIT etc. Most of them do this to earn their name through this rapidly spreading media and if not so then to rejoice over these issues because these matters are like festivities for them. Many a times MPs walk out from the parliament and go on strike. The tussle between political parties turns out in the same.
The common thread, which runs among the people of this country, is of personal benefits. They speak high for the development but do nothing to take any initiative for his objective.
Let us talk on different line, no other states in India has taken as many remarkable steps for development as Sikkim has taken. Be it the field of trade, tourism or education it seems to be commited to its people. It is the most progressive and happening stste of India. Sikkim allocates 70% of plan budget on the rural development sector. It is the first state to ban the use of non-biodegradable substances and the sale of gutkha and pan masala. It is the first state to provide all kinds of empowerment to women. The education has been made free up to college level. It provides government help and financial support to all the religious organisations.
The best part of sikkim government is that it has brought the law to door steps of the people of through lok adalats.being a small state, yet sikkim enjoys a large number of benefits,for all the things are achieved by a good planning and done systematically and gradually to make Sikkim incomparable of all other states in India.
Now, I would bring something great to your notice, which is an important part of my topic.India, is an old country and her people are not very modern but orthodox, they still follow many traditions, customs and superstitions, which has no relevance with today’s fast track life. As, India is a land of several different religions, so numerous people enthusiastically follow the traditions and customs. Especially in India,we see that people do not make any religious sacrifice.one must not make any religious sacrifice.but there is something that flashes in my mind when I do the comparing.in our country we can easily locate dargah,asthanas,mazars at every nook and cranny ,where people of every religion crowd these places out. However, one could hardly find or may never find “dargah”or such places in other Islamic (developed) countries. Even, if there are such places, they are not much known and you hardly find people gathering at such places. This obviously raises a doubt in my mind that what has made these countries different. In our country Muslims have so much faith on dargah, mazar etc. whereas in other developed Islamic countries, they are not even concerned of such places.
The same is with Hindus; at every place, one can locate big or small temples, sometimes-worshiping (peepal) trees, rocks etc. It all starts with a holy rock on the side of a busy road, which slowly surrounded by few other rocks, round the clock few people around it sing holy songs and hymns. Then it slowly becomes a huge temple on the busy road and then it is obviously very difficult to remove.
The encroachment not only includes dargah or Muslims holy places but many temples. Few months before, in Vadodhra when the government removed the dargah, which had stood in the middle of the road giving a nasty blockage to the traffic, the Muslims retaliated. This turned out in a riot between Hindus and Muslims. It had become a communal issue, which helped politicians in many ways to safeguard their political interest. People should understand that these petty issues are great barrier for the development of any country and everyone must overcome such issues. People of Vadodhra and the whole nation must support the government to act against encroachment. Then only we can hope of our country, a developed one with an unbounded success.
Everyone must engage in the political process in some way to help our society, rather our nation to regain its health.
If you ask the commoners what they contribute for their country, the only answer is ‘nothing’ except their empty and worthless gossips, which come from the sick and idle mind. Without their initial effort they want their country to become ‘beau monde’ (a beautiful world).
Our country, India is vast with huge population, and for that reason, even the petty problems of the people are added to become a big problem, which definitely becomes difficult for any government to tackle it at once. Whenever there occurs a small problem people make groups and unions and go for indefinite strike, people of other parts of the country also support them in many issues like demolition of a building, reservation in IIT etc. Most of them do this to earn their name through this rapidly spreading media and if not so then to rejoice over these issues because these matters are like festivities for them. Many a times MPs walk out from the parliament and go on strike. The tussle between political parties turns out in the same.
The common thread, which runs among the people of this country, is of personal benefits. They speak high for the development but do nothing to take any initiative for his objective.
Let us talk on different line, no other states in India has taken as many remarkable steps for development as Sikkim has taken. Be it the field of trade, tourism or education it seems to be commited to its people. It is the most progressive and happening stste of India. Sikkim allocates 70% of plan budget on the rural development sector. It is the first state to ban the use of non-biodegradable substances and the sale of gutkha and pan masala. It is the first state to provide all kinds of empowerment to women. The education has been made free up to college level. It provides government help and financial support to all the religious organisations.
The best part of sikkim government is that it has brought the law to door steps of the people of through lok adalats.being a small state, yet sikkim enjoys a large number of benefits,for all the things are achieved by a good planning and done systematically and gradually to make Sikkim incomparable of all other states in India.
Now, I would bring something great to your notice, which is an important part of my topic.India, is an old country and her people are not very modern but orthodox, they still follow many traditions, customs and superstitions, which has no relevance with today’s fast track life. As, India is a land of several different religions, so numerous people enthusiastically follow the traditions and customs. Especially in India,we see that people do not make any religious sacrifice.one must not make any religious sacrifice.but there is something that flashes in my mind when I do the comparing.in our country we can easily locate dargah,asthanas,mazars at every nook and cranny ,where people of every religion crowd these places out. However, one could hardly find or may never find “dargah”or such places in other Islamic (developed) countries. Even, if there are such places, they are not much known and you hardly find people gathering at such places. This obviously raises a doubt in my mind that what has made these countries different. In our country Muslims have so much faith on dargah, mazar etc. whereas in other developed Islamic countries, they are not even concerned of such places.
The same is with Hindus; at every place, one can locate big or small temples, sometimes-worshiping (peepal) trees, rocks etc. It all starts with a holy rock on the side of a busy road, which slowly surrounded by few other rocks, round the clock few people around it sing holy songs and hymns. Then it slowly becomes a huge temple on the busy road and then it is obviously very difficult to remove.
The encroachment not only includes dargah or Muslims holy places but many temples. Few months before, in Vadodhra when the government removed the dargah, which had stood in the middle of the road giving a nasty blockage to the traffic, the Muslims retaliated. This turned out in a riot between Hindus and Muslims. It had become a communal issue, which helped politicians in many ways to safeguard their political interest. People should understand that these petty issues are great barrier for the development of any country and everyone must overcome such issues. People of Vadodhra and the whole nation must support the government to act against encroachment. Then only we can hope of our country, a developed one with an unbounded success.
Everyone must engage in the political process in some way to help our society, rather our nation to regain its health.
My window is very beautiful
And kind to me
In night when world sleeps
And there is silence all around
It shows my beloved
My beloved is the sky of full moon
With tassels of star
Kind and innocent beauty of her
Makes everybody to move
Recklessly like palm tree
The cloud moving in air is
Just like the hairs of young damsel
When I see clouds,
I see my beloved’s hair
And dew from that cascade
Moist all the creatures
From hard mountain to slime river
Next morning everybody is wet
Wet and humid coloured in same hue
Same colour of love
Love with divine beauty
Beauty of my beloved
Swami says…
Snatch away all your meagre desires
From your eyes
Fight with your five enemies
Like a warrior fights in fire
Make your character so high
That, when you are rich
You weep on your treasure
And when you are poor you smile
On your poverty in pleasure
Discard senseless worldly affairs
Make yourself spiritually awaken
Help others spiritually because
Spiritual help is best help
Stop differing building and hut
And narrow down this gulf
Which you can do
Only with love
First educate yourself then others
Love every human being
Who are like thine
Because swami says
Every soul is potentially divine
My window is very beautiful
And kind to me
In night when world sleeps
And there is silence all around
It shows my beloved
My beloved is the sky of full moon
With tassels of star
Kind and innocent beauty of her
Makes everybody to move
Recklessly like palm tree
The cloud moving in air is
Just like the hairs of young damsel
When I see clouds,
I see my beloved’s hair
And dew from that cascade
Moist all the creatures
From hard mountain to slime river
Next morning everybody is wet
Wet and humid coloured in same hue
Same colour of love
Love with divine beauty
Beauty of my beloved
Swami says…
Snatch away all your meagre desires
From your eyes
Fight with your five enemies
Like a warrior fights in fire
Make your character so high
That, when you are rich
You weep on your treasure
And when you are poor you smile
On your poverty in pleasure
Discard senseless worldly affairs
Make yourself spiritually awaken
Help others spiritually because
Spiritual help is best help
Stop differing building and hut
And narrow down this gulf
Which you can do
Only with love
First educate yourself then others
Love every human being
Who are like thine
Because swami says
Every soul is potentially divine
Vote Of Thanks
We are proud to present the twelth edition of ‘SAMAR’. We hope you must have enjoyed the magazine. You can also read the magazine online at www.mysamar.blogspot.com. You can also give your feedback through e-mail or post.
Last but not the least; again, we would like to thank the readers, writers and sponsor of ‘SAMAR’.
WEBSITE: www.mysamar.blogspot.com
E-MAIL : samar_themagazine@yahoo.co.in
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Last but not the least; again, we would like to thank the readers, writers and sponsor of ‘SAMAR’.
WEBSITE: www.mysamar.blogspot.com
E-MAIL : samar_themagazine@yahoo.co.in
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April 2008

Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine