Your Voice

The article written by Asim Abdullah ‘Truth or scare’ is not only informative but also raises our own ability of inquisitiveness. I am impressed. And about his questions—
My answer is that each of us believe in Sixth Sense. This is a kind of sense about which we know very less but never loose faith in it. With this sixth sense, we have discovered many unknown things. No doubt then, with this faculty, we can read one’s mind & heart but the problem is that we have no control over this faculty. Niether we have derived any methodology to develop this faculty.
Moreover, about dreams, Sigmund Freud has said many things, he had derived the idea that what we have in unconscious mind comes in our dream. This is scientific. But I have no clue that in dreams one can see future. It may occur in Hollywood movie. But here writer is talking about extra sensory perception (ESP) about which I know nothing. I am thankful to him for the information that through ESP we can get any clue of future. If it is true then it needs more extensive research.

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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine