
My window is very beautiful
And kind to me
In night when world sleeps
And there is silence all around
It shows my beloved

My beloved is the sky of full moon
With tassels of star
Kind and innocent beauty of her
Makes everybody to move
Recklessly like palm tree
The cloud moving in air is
Just like the hairs of young damsel

When I see clouds,
I see my beloved’s hair
And dew from that cascade
Moist all the creatures
From hard mountain to slime river

Next morning everybody is wet
Wet and humid coloured in same hue
Same colour of love
Love with divine beauty
Beauty of my beloved

­­Swami says…

Snatch away all your meagre desires
From your eyes
Fight with your five enemies
Like a warrior fights in fire

Make your character so high
That, when you are rich
You weep on your treasure
And when you are poor you smile
On your poverty in pleasure

Discard senseless worldly affairs
Make yourself spiritually awaken
Help others spiritually because
Spiritual help is best help

Stop differing building and hut
And narrow down this gulf
Which you can do
Only with love

First educate yourself then others
Love every human being
Who are like thine
Because swami says
Every soul is potentially divine


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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine