Humanity is endanger

National anthems have been written by poets or composers to create patriotic feelings among the citizen. However, the sentiments of national anthem vary, from prayers for the monarch to references to nationally important battles or revolts (“The Star-Spangled Banner,” United States; “La Marseillaise,” France) to expressions of patriotic feeling (“O Canada”). The national anthem of England “God Save the Queen” or “Jana Gana Mana” of India, none talks about humanism. From feudalism to socialism from capitalism to communism none of the economy system has succeed to maintain peace. Humanity has seen different social system and has somehow managed to survive. This world has seen numbers of wars and oceans have tasted blood. Enemy is categorised on various grounds like religion, origin, colour, caste, and creed. But one thing is common in all and that is human. Every nation is worried about their identity and the identity of human is loosing its existence.

Secularism replaced religious authority and with time major interest of the age shifted from religion to politics. Now politics is mixed with religion. While turning the pages of history we see the massacre of Jews, communist, socialist and even artists, philosophers and professors by the German Nazi. Even now, we see the same massacre of Muslims in Gujarat when people brutally raped women and killed children on the basis of religion. However, in the history of music we see that a Hindu singer used to take inspiration from a Muslim singer. The famous singer of Indore Sri Gurukulatasvya Maharaj ji used to practice his music in front of a statue of a Muslim singer, Ustad Amir Khan. Maharaj ji was a Brahman and even a priest of a temple still he used to serve god through his music. Here religion does not even matter.

In India people who play politics on the basis of religion has no interest with the religion. They have their own hidden political motives. They hijack religion and twist and turn the basics of religion to increase the vote bank. Recently rightist party raised a slogan that those who do not say “Vande Mataram” are not Indian. Vande Mataram means motherland is above all but for Muslims religion comes first and at the same time, Islam says that one who does not respect his motherland is not a perfect Muslim. Then why some people wants them to prove themselves Indian by saying Vande Mataram. Even some Muslims hijack Islam and target people for their own hidden motives.

In every age, we see conflicts among people. Subject of fight may vary. In history, we see many battles between the kingdoms of same religion Christian invading Christian, Muslim ruining Mosques and Hindu ruining Temples. In the medieval age, many Muslim rulers had destroyed mosques and many Hindus destroyed temples. Gaznavi once asked approval of Sultan to cross Multan to enter India and the Sultan rejected the approval. Ghaznavi got angry and attacked Multan and in the battle, Ghaznavi collapsed Jama masjid (Mosque) of Multan. Likewise, Maratha Sena attacked Tipu Sultan in Mysore, the war ended with no result and frustrated Marathas collapsed a Hindu temple to aware Tipu Sultan. In the medieval age battle occurred for wealth and property. Before independence, Muslims and Hindus together fought against British. But immediately after the independence conflict between Hindus and Muslims occurred. From that time we see politics are done on the basis of religion.

Social system of today is in terrible condition. Humanity is again under attack. A system of hatred has established in society. A Hindu hates a Muslim because he is not a Hindu and Muslim does the same. What is wrong, religion or the people? No! People are not wrong nor the religion. What is wrong is the system, a system where a feeling of terror, hatred and insecurity exists among the people. Now the question arises do we want a better society? When something happens in the place far from us we don’t care, but when it happens on us we blame the system and the government, and system is created by the people. So directly or indirectly, people are at fault. Humanity is targeted every time due to lack of concern or awareness. We know how many fundamental rights are bestowed upon us but we do not know anything about fundamental duties. This again proves lack of responsibility of the people.

Youths are essential part of this system. In this world of Globalisation, we see youths are more career oriented. Major part of life goes in building a good career. This does not mean that youths do not have any social responsibilities. Each day we kill our sensitivity and try to make ourselves more professional. Where youths are, also known as generation X; means they will run the system in future. However, very few percentages of youths are social oriented and rest are in the spider web of mobile age. Humanity is insecure and demand youths to be more social oriented. With time, people are becoming more insensitive. This is a threat to humanity and this world cannot survive without humanity.


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April 2008

April  2008
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