Impediments in developments

People always talk about the development of their country, but the question is, do they really mean it when they snowballed such topic in their discussion? Every section of public either talks about the same topic, they mock at it or take it seriously. They seem to be very much concerned and interested for their nation and most prominent among them are politicians but we all know what truth is.

If you ask the commoners what they contribute for their country, the only answer is ‘nothing’ except their empty and worthless gossips, which come from the sick and idle mind. Without their initial effort they want their country to become ‘beau monde’ (a beautiful world).

Our country, India is vast with huge population, and for that reason, even the petty problems of the people are added to become a big problem, which definitely becomes difficult for any government to tackle it at once. Whenever there occurs a small problem people make groups and unions and go for indefinite strike, people of other parts of the country also support them in many issues like demolition of a building, reservation in IIT etc. Most of them do this to earn their name through this rapidly spreading media and if not so then to rejoice over these issues because these matters are like festivities for them. Many a times MPs walk out from the parliament and go on strike. The tussle between political parties turns out in the same.

The common thread, which runs among the people of this country, is of personal benefits. They speak high for the development but do nothing to take any initiative for his objective.

Let us talk on different line, no other states in India has taken as many remarkable steps for development as Sikkim has taken. Be it the field of trade, tourism or education it seems to be commited to its people. It is the most progressive and happening stste of India. Sikkim allocates 70% of plan budget on the rural development sector. It is the first state to ban the use of non-biodegradable substances and the sale of gutkha and pan masala. It is the first state to provide all kinds of empowerment to women. The education has been made free up to college level. It provides government help and financial support to all the religious organisations.

The best part of sikkim government is that it has brought the law to door steps of the people of through lok adalats.being a small state, yet sikkim enjoys a large number of benefits,for all the things are achieved by a good planning and done systematically and gradually to make Sikkim incomparable of all other states in India.

Now, I would bring something great to your notice, which is an important part of my topic.India, is an old country and her people are not very modern but orthodox, they still follow many traditions, customs and superstitions, which has no relevance with today’s fast track life. As, India is a land of several different religions, so numerous people enthusiastically follow the traditions and customs. Especially in India,we see that people do not make any religious must not make any religious sacrifice.but there is something that flashes in my mind when I do the our country we can easily locate dargah,asthanas,mazars at every nook and cranny ,where people of every religion crowd these places out. However, one could hardly find or may never find “dargah”or such places in other Islamic (developed) countries. Even, if there are such places, they are not much known and you hardly find people gathering at such places. This obviously raises a doubt in my mind that what has made these countries different. In our country Muslims have so much faith on dargah, mazar etc. whereas in other developed Islamic countries, they are not even concerned of such places.

The same is with Hindus; at every place, one can locate big or small temples, sometimes-worshiping (peepal) trees, rocks etc. It all starts with a holy rock on the side of a busy road, which slowly surrounded by few other rocks, round the clock few people around it sing holy songs and hymns. Then it slowly becomes a huge temple on the busy road and then it is obviously very difficult to remove.

The encroachment not only includes dargah or Muslims holy places but many temples. Few months before, in Vadodhra when the government removed the dargah, which had stood in the middle of the road giving a nasty blockage to the traffic, the Muslims retaliated. This turned out in a riot between Hindus and Muslims. It had become a communal issue, which helped politicians in many ways to safeguard their political interest. People should understand that these petty issues are great barrier for the development of any country and everyone must overcome such issues. People of Vadodhra and the whole nation must support the government to act against encroachment. Then only we can hope of our country, a developed one with an unbounded success.

Everyone must engage in the political process in some way to help our society, rather our nation to regain its health.


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April 2008

April  2008
Samar - a bimonthly and bilingual magazine